The Booty Report

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Arrr! The ship be sinkin'! 'Tis a sad tale of 170 landlubbers left stranded by the St. Louis Nursing Home's closure.


Arrr! Northview Village hath shut its gates with such haste on a dreary Friday, as per the union ye see, that not a word reached kinfolk o' theirs bein' transported elsewhere. Aye, 'twas a mighty unexpected piratical maneuver, catchin' all hands off guard!

"Avast ye landlubbers! Methinks a scandalous tale be unfoldin’ in this here Northview Village. 'Tis said that on a fateful Friday, the place shut down like a barnacle-covered treasure chest, and not a single soul bothered to send word to the families of them poor souls who were bein' shuffled about like a deck of cards!"

Arrr, ye heard it right, mateys! The union cried foul as they claimed the closure be as sudden as a cannon blast, leaving kinfolk in the dark about the fate of their dear ones. 'Tis a sad state of affairs, to be sure, when a ship be sinkin' and the crew be too busy hoardin' their loot to send a message.

Ye can picture it now, can't ye? Families gatherin' round, expectin' to hear tales of their loved ones' daily adventures, only to be met with empty chairs and naught but silence. "Avast!" they must've cried, wonderin' where their beloved pirates had been whisked off to.

One can't help but chuckle at the irony of it all, though. 'Tis a retirement home they speak of, a place where old buccaneers hang up their hats and rest their peg legs. Ye'd think they'd be given a bit o' notice before bein' forced to set sail on a new voyage. 'Tis not everyday ye see a pirate abandon ship without lettin' their kin know!

But fear not, me hearties! The tale may be filled with sorrow, but it be not without hope. The union be fightin' for justice, demandin' answers and compensation for those poor souls who were left adrift. Let's raise a tankard of rum, for the union be a loyal crew, protectin' the rights of the forgotten pirates of Northview Village!

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