The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Sad tidings befall ye, as spoilers for the wretched "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League" leak online! Rocksteady be pleadin' ye to steer clear of those treacherous spoilers!


Arrr, 'tis a mighty blow to me heart to spy upon the leakin' o' game secrets 'fore they be set sail! Aye, 'tis a disappointin' sight me eyes behold!

Arr, me hearties! It be a grievous disappointment to lay me eyes on those scallywags sharin' details of a game afore its grand release! It be like havin' yer ship's booty stolen right from under yer nose, or worse, like findin' a mighty kraken in calm waters!

Why, ye ask? Well, ye see, me mateys, the joy of a new game be the thrill of discoverin' its mysteries and treasures fer yerself. It be like explorin' an uncharted island, where every turn be filled with excitement and surprises. But when those bilge rats start blabberin' 'bout the game afore it be ready, it be like drawin' a map and ruinin' the adventure for all us buccaneers!

Imagine, me hearties, if ye knew all the secrets of a buried treasure afore ye even set foot on the shore. What joy be left in that? No thrill of the hunt, no sense of accomplishment, and worst of all, no tales to regale yer crew with over a mug of grog! It be like openin' Pandora's chest and findin' naught but a pair of old socks!

So, me fellow pirates, let us cast these spoilers to Davy Jones' locker! Let us preserve the thrill of the unknown, the anticipation of a new adventure! Let us wait with bated breath and crossed cutlasses until the game be ready to be unveiled, and then, me hearties, we shall set sail on a joyous journey together, discoverin' its wonders and makin' memories that'll be sung 'round the taverns for years to come!

Remember, me mateys, a true pirate be one who respects the code and keeps the secrets of the sea. So, let us be patient, keep our lips sealed, and wait for that glorious day when the game be released, and we can all partake in the mirth and merriment it brings. Arr!

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