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Ahoy, mateys! Thar be news from the landlubber Texas school board! The scallywag president claims 'tis called 'Christmas break', not 'holiday break'. Arrr!


Avast ye landlubbers! Me hearty Texas school board president be demandin' that the district use the word "Christmas" to reckon festivities and holidays durin' this time o' year. 'Tis a jolly good idea, says I! Let's hoist the anchor and set sail for a merrier Christmas, me hearties! Arrr!

The school board president of Carroll Independent School District in Texas, Cam Bryan, is urging people to use the word "Christmas" when referring to celebrations and vacations during this time of year. During a recent Board of Trustees meeting, Bryan challenged the district to call the vacation period "Christmas Break." He expressed his dissatisfaction with the use of terms like "winter break" and "holiday parties" instead of acknowledging Christmas. Bryan claimed to have heard from teachers, administrators, and parents who were afraid to recognize the Christmas holiday in fear of facing consequences. He found this fear to be ridiculous. Bryan also highlighted House Bill 308, a law in Texas that allows students and public school teachers to say "Merry Christmas," "Happy Hanukkah," and "Happy Holidays." He emphasized that it is okay to recognize and observe the holiday on school campuses, as long as it does not promote a particular religious belief. Bryan requested the district superintendent, Lane Ledbetter, to email district staff summarizing the bill, but it is unclear if the email was sent. Carroll ISD administration did not provide any comment on the matter.

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