The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scallywags! GLP-1s, those fancy antidiabetic potions, be safe for thee lasses carryin' wee buccaneers! Yo ho ho!


Avast ye scallywags! Yonder study be tellin' us that more lasses be usin' medicines while carryin' wee ones, especially in the States. But beware, me hearties, for though the chance o' birth defects be small, there be still some drawbacks. Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have some news to share from across the seven seas! Aye, it seems that the use of drugs during pregnancy be on the rise, especially in the land of the brave, the United States. But avast! Before ye start panicking and hoisting the Jolly Roger, let me tell ye that the risks of these drugs causing harm to the wee ones appear to be low, me mateys.

Now, I know what ye be thinkin', "Aye, Cap'n! Tell us more about these limitations, ye scurvy dog!" Well, me buckos, fear not, for I shall enlighten ye. While the risk may be low, it ain't non-existent, so ye best be careful and consult with a knowledgeable doc before ye pop any pills. And let's not forget, not all drugs be created equal! Some may carry more risk than others, so ye must be mindful of what ye put in yer body.

But why, ye may ask, be the lads and lasses in the United States sailin' down this treacherous path more than others? Arrr, that's a question worth ponderin', me hearties. Perhaps it be the influence of the American spirit, the "go big or go home" mentality, or maybe just a simple case of scurvy brain! But worry not, for this study be a reminder to all ye future parents out there to be cautious and weigh the risks and benefits before ye decide to embark on the journey of drug use during pregnancy.

So there ye have it, me fellow pirates of the high seas! Drugs during pregnancy be on the rise, but the risks may be as rare as finding buried treasure. Remember, always seek advice from a knowledgeable matey before ye make any decisions. And to all ye mothers-to-be out there, fair winds and smooth sailin' on yer journey to motherhood!

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