The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Thar be a jolly brawl betwixt democracy and the rule of law in Trump's disqualification!


Avast ye! If the Colorado Supreme Court be reckonin' that the ol' captain o' the ship be not fit to set sail for the title o' president, blimey! Our cherished values be caught in a mighty storm, arrr!

In the 17th century, mateys, the language of pirates ruled the high seas, and we be takin' a voyage back in time to discuss a matter of utmost importance - the Colorado Supreme Court's opinion 'bout the former president's eligibility to run for president. Arrr, if ye be thinkin' this be a matter for serious debate, ye best prepare yerself for a dose of humor!

Now, me hearties, imagine if the Supreme Court be correct in sayin' that our former captain cannot set sail once more for the presidency. Avast! This be a mighty blow to our fundamental values. It be like tellin' a pirate he can't drink rum or wear an eyepatch - a travesty indeed!

Picture this, me buckos - a world where a pirate, sorry, a former president be barred from seekin' office due to some constitutional technicality. Arrr, 'tis a battle of values, me hearties. On one hand, we be havin' the law, aye, the supreme power, and on the other hand, we be havin' the freedom of choice, the spirit of adventure!

Ye see, mateys, if we start restrictin' who can set foot on the ship of presidency, we be losin' the very essence of our democracy. Aye, we should be free to elect whoever we please, be they a landlubber or a seasoned sailor. It be like tryin' to force a parrot to stop squawkin' or a pirate to stop sayin' 'Arrr!'

So, me hearties, let us hope that this be nothin' more than a storm in a teacup. Let us raise our grog-filled mugs and toast to the idea that every pirate, sorry, every citizen, be given a fair shot at the highest office in the land. Arrr!

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