The Booty Report

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Arr, mateys! Insomniac Games be sayin', "Arr, the hack be mighty distressin', but fear not! Our work on Marvel's Wolverine be sailin' smooth as planned!"


"Arr! We be mighty vexed and filled with rage at the scoundrels who dare to plunder our studio with their dastardly cyberattack! A pox upon their blackened souls, we say!"

Arrr, mateys! We be feelin' a sense o' sadness and fury in our pirate souls 'bout the dastardly criminal cyberattack that recently befell our humble studio. Aye, 'tis a grievous crime against us, the scurvy dogs behind the creative magic ye enjoy on yer screens.

Picture this, me hearties: a band o' ruthless scallywags, hunched over their keyboards like rats on a sinking ship, schemin' and plottin' to plunder our digital treasures. They be thinkin' they could outwit us, the mighty buccaneers of creativity! But mark me words, ye landlubbers, we won't be beaten that easily!

With each click o' the mouse, these scurvy cyber pirates made their way into our digital haven, stealin' away with our precious booty – the fruit of our hard work and endless nights o' rum-fueled brainstormin'. Oh, the audacity! The cheek! But fear not, for our spirits remain as high as the crow's nest, and we be ready to fight back.

We be huddled together, patchin' up our virtual sails, rebuildin' what they so mercilessly tore apart. We'll make 'em walk the plank, for they know not the wrath they've aroused in us creative souls. They be messin' with the wrong scurvy lot!

Ah, me hearties, we may be pirates, but we be no strangers to hardship and adversity. We've sailed through storms mighty enough to make Davy Jones himself cower in fear. This cyberattack be just another tempest in our grand voyage, and we'll emerge triumphant, mark me words!

So, hoist the sails and ready the cannons, me hearties! We'll hunt down these cyber scoundrels and make 'em walk the plank, 'til they beg for mercy beneath the treacherous waves of the digital seas. Arrr!

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