The Booty Report

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Arrr! Europe be havin' a rumblin' in its belly, me hearties! Beware the Erythritol Laxative Effect and Lead Levels, aye!


Arrr! The European Food Safety Authority be settin' a new level for safe guzzlin' o' the sweetener, mateys! But don't ye be forgettin', a warnin' label be still needed! Avast! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In a jolly twist of events, mateys, the European Food Safety Authority has come forth with a fresh evaluation on a swashbucklin' sweetener. Arrr, they be settin' a new level for safe consumption, but don't ye be thinkin' they've let their guard down, oh no! The label of warning shall still be flyin' high.
Now, ye may be wonderin', what be this sweetener they be chattin' about? Well, me hearties, it be a secret formula, the very essence of sweetness itself. Aye, 'tis a substance that can make even the sourest of lemons taste like the sweetest mangoes in the Caribbean.
But beware, me landlubbers! This sweetener may be temptin', but it be needin' to be handled with caution. The European Food Safety Authority be sayin' that while ye can have a taste of it, ye mustn't go overboard, or ye might find yerself in troubled waters.
So, ye may be askin', what be the new level for safe consumption? Well, 'tis a secret code, only known to the wisest of scientists. They've calculated it with precision, takin' into account the health of all ye scurvy dogs out there. 'Tis a level that allows ye to enjoy the sweetness without the risk of walkin' the plank, if ye get me drift.
But don't ye be thinkin' that this new evaluation means smooth sailin' for the sweetener. Nay, nay, me hearties! The warning label be stayin' put, like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder. 'Tis a reminder for all ye lads and lasses to take heed and not get too carried away with the sweetness.
So there ye have it, me mateys! The European Food Safety Authority be settin' a new level for safe consumption of this sweetener, but remindin' ye that caution be the name of the game. Take a taste if ye must, but always keep an eye on the warning label, or ye may find yerself in Davy Jones' locker.

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