The Booty Report

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Arr, the UN's resolution be scoffed at, for it be naught but a mere drop in the vast ocean of conflict betwixt Israel and Hamas!


Arrr! The quarrel's resolution, cunningly bartered to steer clear of a scurvy veto from the United States, fell far from beggin' for a truce, it did! Avast!

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, ye may find it quite amusing to learn that the resolution, after much negotiation to steer clear of a veto from the mighty United States, fell quite a bit short of demanding a cessation of hostilities. Arr!

Now, let me set sail on this sea of words and give ye the fine details of this humorous affair. Picture this, me fellow scallywags: a gathering of diplomats from near and far, tryin' to find a middle ground to appease the great power across the pond. Aye, the United States be a force to be reckoned with, and we be far from yearnin' for their wrath!

So, what did these savvy negotiators come up with, ye ask? Well, buckle yer swashin' belts, for ye shall be amused! Instead of boldly and brazenly demandin' an end to the fightin', they settled for somethin' far less confrontational. They couldn't bring themselves to utter those fateful words, "cease-fire," in fear of rousin' the ire of the States.

Y'see, it be all about walkin' the plank between diplomacy and appeasement, mates. They found a compromise that would keep the cannons from blazin' but fell short of truly puttin' an end to the plunderin' and pillagin'. It be a curious dance, indeed!

Oh, the imaginations of those diplomats! They crafted a resolution that had a taste of peace but lacked the true grit of a resolute demand. It be like askin' fer a sip o' rum instead of the whole barrel!

So, me hearties, let it be known that the resolution, carefully worded to dodge the dreaded veto, failed to muster the courage to call for a cease-fire. It be a tale of compromise and the art of dodgin' a mighty clash. Ahoy!

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