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Arrr, the Doctor Who captain declares Ncuti Gatwa's portrayal as the Time Lord be the most tear-inducing of all!


Avast ye, me hearties! The cap'n Russell T Davies spills the beans to SFX mag 'bout Ncuti Gatwa's grand portrayal o' the Doctor! 'Tis a tale ye must hear, lest ye be left adrift!

Arrr, the Doctor Who captain declares Ncuti Gatwa's portrayal as the Time Lord be the most tear-inducing of all!

In an exclusive interview with SFX magazine, renowned writer Russell T Davies revealed some fascinating insights into Ncuti Gatwa's portrayal of the iconic character, the Doctor. But hold onto your tricorn hats, me hearties, as this ain't your typical Doctor we be talkin' about!
Ahoy there! According to Davies, Gatwa's take on the Time Lord be a sight to behold. Davies admitted that he was mighty impressed by Gatwa's unique interpretation, claimin' it be unlike any Doctor we've seen before. Arrr, that's enough to make a pirate's parrot drop its feathers!
Picture this, ye scallywags: Gatwa's Doctor will be sportin' a stylish peg leg, complete with a shiny hook to replace the hand that may have been lost in a fierce battle with a giant squid. And that's not all, me hearties! Gatwa's Doctor will also be donning an exquisite tricorn hat, adorned with feathers of the rarest parrots from the seven seas. Ah, the envy of every pirate!
Davies be quick to assure fans that Gatwa's Doctor won't be losin' none of the charm and wit that we're used to. In fact, he be promisin' a barrel of laughs and a shipload of adventure. The Doctor will still be travelin' through time and space, battlin' all manner of villains, and deliverin' some clever lines that'll shiver yer timbers!
So me hearties, prepare to set sail on a wild adventure with Gatwa's Doctor. Davies be confident that this new portrayal will be embraced by fans far and wide. Whether ye be a landlubber or a seasoned pirate, this be a Doctor ye won't be forgettin' in a hurry. Arrr, it be an excitin' time to be a fan of the Doctor, that's for sure!

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