The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Monster Hunter World be makin' waves on Steam once more, thanks to Capcom's online shenanigans and the reveal o' Monster Hunter Wilds!


Aye, after five long years, still a mighty juggernaut be we! Steady sailin' through the treacherous waters, never fearin' a challenge nor backin' down. Arrr, the tides may change, but our strength be unyieldin'!

In the year of our Lord 1665, a fearsome pirate set sail upon the treacherous seas. This scallywag, known far and wide as Captain Bartholomew the Bold, was a force to be reckoned with. With his trusty parrot perched upon his shoulder and a glint of mischief in his eye, he became the terror of the high seas.
Five long years had passed since Captain Bartholomew had first set foot on his ship, the Jolly Roger. And yet, his reign as a pirate juggernaut remained unchallenged. Many attempted to cross his path, but none could match his cunning wit and formidable sword skills.
The Captain's crew, a motley bunch of misfits and rogues, were fiercely loyal to their captain. They followed him without question, for they knew that under his command, wealth and adventure awaited them at every turn.
His ship, the Jolly Roger, was a sight to behold. With its tattered sails and weathered wooden frame, it struck fear into the hearts of all who laid eyes upon it. The mere mention of its name sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest sailors.
Captain Bartholomew's reputation preceded him wherever he went. His name was whispered in taverns and feared in port towns. Many a brave soul had tried to take him down, but all had failed miserably. He was like a ghost, disappearing into thin air whenever danger approached.
And so, five years later, Captain Bartholomew the Bold remained a force to be reckoned with. His legend grew with each passing day, and tales of his exploits spread like wildfire across the seven seas. To cross paths with him was to tempt fate itself, for his wrath was swift and merciless.
So, dear mateys, beware the name of Captain Bartholomew the Bold, for he is a pirate juggernaut who shows no mercy to those who dare to challenge him. May the winds be at your back and the rum forever plentiful on your own journeys upon the high seas!

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