The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! Aquire ye ears fer a tale of TikTok scallywags, claimin' bias 'gainst pro-Israel posts. They be servin' the narrative o' Hamas, they say!


Yo ho ho! Avast ye! A missive be dispatched to TikTok's cap'n from a scallywag in Israel, revealin' how this Chinese-ruled ship o' social media be actively sabbin' them poor souls who befallen Hamas on the 7th o' October. Yo, that be a treacherous tale, me hearties!

In a humorous tone, this article discusses the launch of a global campaign by the families of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, demanding their release. The campaign sought to raise awareness through paid advertisements on social media platforms. However, while ads were accepted on Facebook and Instagram, TikTok refused to accept them, deeming them "too political." The article highlights accusations that TikTok has not done enough to combat antisemitic and anti-Israel content and that employees within the company have expressed support for terrorism or endorsed extremist movements. Screenshots of internal chats show Trust and Safety officers celebrating the acts of Hamas and other terror groups. TikTok has responded to these allegations, stating that they are false and do not reflect their policies. The company claims to invest heavily in training moderators and applying their policies consistently. However, Israeli employees claim that TikTok rejected their campaign as political, favoring humanitarian campaigns that serve Hamas' narrative. Yossi Lubaton, head of content creation for the Hostages and Missing Persons Forum in Israel, confirmed that TikTok rejected their ads based on policy. Lubaton stated that the campaign is based on humanitarian principles and aims to highlight the war crime of kidnapping by Hamas. While Meta accepted most of the ads, TikTok defended its rejection, stating that it was based on compliance with their advertising policies and guidelines. The company does allow some humanitarian campaigns from non-profit organizations, including Israeli NGOs.

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