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Arrr, 700 scurvy knaves o' Airbus be plagued with illness after a grand feast in France. 'Twas like a cursed delivery!


Arrr! 700 scurvy landlubber Airbus Atlantic scallywags befallen by a mighty malady after feasting at the company's yuletide feast. They be plagued with vile symptoms o' spewin' and splatterin'. Blimey!

In a rather unfortunate turn of events, 700 employees of Airbus Atlantic fell ill after attending a Christmas dinner hosted by the company. Health authorities in France are currently investigating the incident, as 700 out of the 2,600 attendees experienced symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. The employees began feeling sick around 24 to 48 hours after the dinner, which took place on December 14th at a restaurant located on-site in western France.
The dinner menu included delicious items such as lobster, scallops, gone gars, tournedos, and mouth-watering desserts like hazelnut chocolate mousse and ice-cream logs. However, the cause of the illnesses remains unknown, as French health officials have not yet determined what sparked the outbreak.
One employee, named Nolwenn, described the illness as incredibly painful, comparing it to colic and headaches worse than giving birth. However, a spokesperson for Airbus Atlantic reassured the public that nobody was seriously ill.
The company's works committee secretary, Jean-Claude Iribarren, clarified that the food was prepared by the company's canteen. He mentioned that samples of every product served at the restaurant are kept and will be analyzed by health authorities as part of the ongoing investigation.
It seems that the investigation into this unfortunate incident will take several more days to conclude. In the meantime, it is safe to say that this Christmas dinner did not go as planned for Airbus Atlantic and its employees.

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