"Blimey! This British lass, dwellin' in America, were flabbergasted! Arr! These customs didn't sail across thar sea!"
Arr, me mateys! Millie Hart, who sailed the treacherous seas from Britain to the U.S. o'er two years past, be sharin' the grandest contrasts betwixt Christmas in England and America, and which be her chosen matey!"
A British woman named Millie Hart expressed her shock at the differences between Christmas in America and England. After moving to the U.S. with her husband and son, Hart found that the American traditions did not align with what she was accustomed to back home. She was amazed by the "over the top" nature of American Christmas celebrations, such as the abundance of holiday activities in schools, the constant presence of Christmas music, and the extravagant light displays on people's homes. Hart also noticed a lack of traditional British Christmas foods in American stores, particularly mince pie, which she described as a symbol of Christmas in England. She missed the traditional Christmas dinners with crackers and paper crowns that she and other Brits enjoyed. Hart admitted to being upset about not having these traditions during her first Christmas in America. Although the culture shock has worn off over the years, Hart still prefers the British way of celebrating Christmas. She believes that the British celebrate harder on Christmas because they have Boxing Day on December 26th, which is a national holiday in England. Hart has decided that her family will always incorporate British traditions into their Christmas celebrations, even while living in America. She also plans to spend next Christmas in England to ensure that her son does not lose touch with his English culture.