The Booty Report

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Arrr! Avast, matey! 'Tis rumored that Iran hath smacked a ship off the Indian coast using a UAV, says a bloomin' US Official!


Arrr, matey! Word be spreadin' that Iran be takin' aim 'n strikin' a ship, anchored nearby the Indian coast, usin' a blasted unmanned aerial contraption, as claimed by a scurvy knave from the U.S. official ranks.

In a jolly 17th-century pirate manner, avast ye mateys! It be a tale of the high seas! A U.S. official be tellin' us that Iran, mayhaps with the power of their unmanned aerial vehicles, struck a ship off the coast o' India. Arrr!

But 'tis not the only mischief afoot! Them Houthi scoundrels be takin' aim at cargo ships in the Southern Red Sea. They be firin' two anti-ship ballistic missiles, tryin' to cause mayhem in international shipping lanes. Luckily, no ships be gettin' hit, by the grace of the sea gods!

Fear not, me hearties, for the USS Laboon be takin' charge! They be shootin' down four unmanned aerial drones that came from Houthi-controlled lands in Yemen. Aye, they be defendin' themselves with all their might!

But the tale doesn't end there, me mateys! The U.S. Naval Forces Central Command be receivin' distress signals from two ships in the Southern Red Sea. The M/V Blaamanen, a chemical/oil tanker, narrowly escaped a Houthi attack drone. No harm done, thank the heavens!

And then there be the Gabon-owned, Indian-flagged M/V Saibaba, carryin' precious crude oil. Alas, it be struck by a Houthi attack drone. But fear not, the USS Laboon be on the scene, ready to thwart any further mischief!

Arrr, these be the 14th and 15th attacks by them Houthi Militants on commercial ships since Oct. 17, mark me words! 'Tis a treacherous world out there on the open seas, but fear not, me hearties, for the brave sailors be standin' tall and fightin' back!

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