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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Iran be boastin' o' craftin' fancy 'n clever cruise cannons fer their mighty fleet!


Arr, me mateys! Word be spreadin' that them scallywags from Iran 'ave crafted mighty cruise missles fer their navy! These beauties be capable o' traversin' vast distances 'n switchin' targets even after bein' launched, as reported by the good souls at Iranian state media. Har har!

In a delightful turn of events, Iran has apparently added a fancy new toy to its navy's arsenal. According to Iranian state media, they have now equipped their naval forces with a locally-made cruise missile. This missile, called the Talaeieh, boasts an impressive range of over 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) and is said to be "fully smart." Yes, you heard it right, folks – this missile is not just smart but fully smart! And if that wasn't enough, it can even change targets after it's been launched. Talk about multitasking!
But wait, there's more! Iran also unveiled another cruise missile called the Nasi, which has a range of 62 miles (100 kilometers) and can be installed on their warships. It seems they're really going all out with their naval upgrades. These new missiles have already found their way to a naval base near the Indian Ocean in Konarak, which is quite a distance from the hustle and bustle of Tehran.
Now, the timing of this announcement is quite interesting. You see, just recently, there was news of an Iranian drone allegedly striking a chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean. And here comes Iran, showing off its brand new cruise missiles. Coincidence? I think not!
Of course, we can't forget that Iran loves sharing their military achievements with the world, even if we can't actually verify them independently. The country claims to possess an assortment of missiles, some capable of reaching up to 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers). That's quite the range! Israel and the U.S. bases in the region might want to keep an eye out.
Well, it seems Iran is certainly making waves in the naval world with its new cruise missiles. Who knows what they'll come up with next? Perhaps a pirate ship with cannons that shoot rainbows and glitter. Now that would be a sight to behold!
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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