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On the jolly eve o' Christmas, a fearsome raid in Nigeria hath claimed 140 souls, scorched their homes!


Arrr, me hearties! On Christmas Eve, a fearsome battle be waged in Nigeria, claimin' the lives of at least 140 souls. 'Twas a merciless assault, unleashed without rhyme or reason, as authorities have declared. Aye, the land be soaked in sorrow and despair.

Nomadic herders in Nigeria went on a violent rampage through 15 villages on Christmas Eve, resulting in the deaths of at least 140 people. The attacks, carried out by suspected nomadic herders using firearms and machetes, occurred in the central Plateau state. Local governor Caleb Mutfwang reported that 15 people were buried in Mangu alone, with over 100 corpses counted in Bokkos. The violence marked the bloodiest incident in the country since 2018. The region, known as the "Middle Belt," has a history of clashes between Muslim Fulani herdsmen and Christian farmers. The attacks were not immediately attributed to any specific group, but herders from the Fulani tribe were blamed, as they have been accused of similar mass killings across the northwest and central regions. The conflict between herders and farmers over land and water access has exacerbated tensions between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation. Nigerian President Bola Tinubu condemned the violence as unprovoked and ordered the police to find those responsible. The attacks left homes, cars, and motorcycles burnt. Security agencies reportedly took more than 12 hours to respond to calls for help. The incident has left the affected communities in shock and searching for missing loved ones.

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