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Avast ye scallywags! The Jewish seminary in Israel be lettin' folks sail through the Gaza border again after the fearsome Hamas terror attack.


Arrr, me hearties! Sderot be a lonely place since the dreadful Oct. 7 terror raids, but fear not! The grand yeshiva be welcomin' its students once more, hopin' to breathe new life into th' city. Avast, let's hoist the anchor of despair and set sail for hope, me mateys!

A rabbinical seminary in southern Israel, the Max and Ruth Schwartz Hesder Yeshiva, has reopened after being empty for months due to Hamas attacks. The yeshiva not only provides traditional Jewish learning but also time for students to fulfill their military commitments to Israel. The city of Sderot, where the yeshiva is located, has been greatly affected by the attacks, with many residents leaving and businesses closing. However, with the return of the yeshiva students, there is hope that the city's other residents will also return. Sderot is located near the Gaza Strip and has experienced rocket fire for years, but the situation escalated when terrorists entered the city on October 7th. Alumni and current students of the yeshiva bravely confronted the enemies, even though they were on a day of prayer and relaxation. The presence of armed soldiers and students helped provide a fighting chance against the attackers. Despite the bravery, there were also students who felt fear, as demonstrated by a farewell message left on a dorm room wall. Rabbi Ari Katz, the yeshiva's public relations director, believes that the yeshiva has a vital role in the process of rebuilding and bringing life back to the city of Sderot. Though the physical rebuilding is supported by the government and the city, the yeshiva aims to aid in the spiritual and emotional rebuilding process.

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