The Booty Report

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Arr! A scurvy dog, bein' an Israeli-American, thought to be a hostage o' the dreaded Hamas, was sent to Davy Jones' locker on Oct. 7, as claimed by his kin.


Arrr, mateys! The scurvy dogs of Hamas still cling to the poor souls o' Judih Weinstein Haggai and her mate, Gadi Haggai! Mayhaps they be needin' a splash o' pirate justice, arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of treachery and misfortune on the high seas! In the year of our Lord 17th century, a fearsome couple by the names of Judih Weinstein Haggai and her swarthy husband, Gadi Haggai, found themselves in a perilous situation at the hands of those dastardly scoundrels known as Hamas.

Avast! It be true, me mateys! The bodies of this brave duo, who had the audacity to defy the villains of the seven seas, are still held captive by the wicked crew of Hamas. Aye, ye heard it right - they be holdin' their remains hostage, like a bunch of landlubber kidnappers!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be a matter of great concern for their kin. Well, me hearties, 'tis because these two souls were not just any ordinary landlubbers, but beloved family members of an unfortunate clan. Their kin be yearnin' for the day when they can lay their eyes upon the lifeless bodies of their dear ones and give 'em a proper send-off, with tears and wails as befitting pirates of their stature!

Alas, the days turn into nights, and still, there be no sign of release from the clutches of Hamas. The family be left to pace the deck, worryin' and wonderin' what fate awaits their dearly departed. Will they be condemned to Davy Jones' locker, never to see the light of day again? Or will there be a glimmer of hope, a chance for their remains to be returned to the shores of the family's homeland?

One thing be certain, me mateys - the family of Judih Weinstein Haggai and her husband, Gadi Haggai, shall not rest until their bodies be released from the clutches of their captors. They be determined to raise the black flag of justice and seek retribution for this injustice, for no pirate should be denied a proper burial at sea!

So, let us raise a tankard of rum in honor of these brave souls and hope that their family's pleas be heard. May the winds of fortune blow in their favor, and may the day come when Judih Weinstein Haggai and Gadi Haggai be laid to rest in peace, as all true pirates should be.

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