The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Pentagone be mappin' ways t' lessen landlubbers' demise, but what 'bout Israel, ye scallywags?


Arr, ye scurvy document be settin' out the rules fer U.S. scuffles, yet 'tis silent on the matters o' skirmishes the United States be assistin' with naught but a dash o' military aid. Belay that, mateys!

In the 17th century, matey, before the age of smartphones and fancy technology, pirates roamed the high seas with their eye patches and peg legs, seeking treasures and causing mischief. Arr, let me tell ye, the document ye be speaking of is a curious one indeed! It be codifying all the procedures for combat by the landlubber United States, but it be lacking one vital thing – a mention of the operations they support with military aid alone. Ahoy! It seems like those scallywags have forgotten to include that in their fine print.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what exactly those operations be, so let me enlighten ye, me hearties! Ye see, sometimes the United States be helpin' out other countries, not by swingin' their swords in fierce battles, but by lendin' a hand with some military aid. They be sendin' supplies, trainin' their military crews, or even offerin' advice on how to handle the cannons and cutlasses.

But alas, this document be neglectin' to address those very important missions. It be as if the pirates be forgettin' to stock up on rum before settin' sail – a grave mistake, I tell ye! It be like tryin' to navigate the treacherous waters without a compass or a trusty parrot on yer shoulder.

Now, don't ye worry too much, me hearties! This be a light-hearted matter, and ye may find yerself chucklin' at the thought of those serious folks in their suits and ties, overlookin' such an important detail. But fear not, for I reckon they'll be fixin' this oversight soon enough. After all, even a pirate knows that it's important to cover all bases and not leave any treasure behind.

So, while the document may be missin' a few pages, let's hope those landlubbers get their act together and give proper recognition to the operations supported merely by military aid. Now, pass me the rum, me mateys, and let's toast to a future where even pirates can find humor in the fine print of official documents!

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