Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! Mark me words, this cursed Cali city be sailin' in a 'doom loop' come 2024! Businesses be scarperin' and crime be risin', says a warnin' from a local matey!
Arrr! The treacherous deeds in Oakland, California be makin' businesses shutter their doors, thus decreasin' the city's tax booty and bringin' forth even more troubles, as confessed by a hearty safe harbor advocate.
In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the decline of Oakland, California is described as a "doom loop" due to burgeoning crime, struggling businesses, and underfunded police. Seneca Scott, founder of Neighbors Together Oakland, a nonprofit focused on safety issues, believes that this decline will continue into 2024, making Oakland "less livable and less safe." Violent crime in Oakland has increased by 22% this year, along with a nearly 10% increase in commercial burglary. Over 200 business owners went on strike to protest the government's handling of public safety, and city officials missed a deadline to apply for state funding to fight retail theft. In an attempt to attract customers to local shops, Oakland city leaders launched a grant program for small business owners to hold events. However, Scott argues that the city is now a "ghost town" due to escalating violence, making people scared to go outside. The Oakland Police Department has been without a head since February, and the defund the police movement has led to more crime. Scott highlights the lax prostitution laws in Oakland, which have resulted in "open-air sex trades and drug markets." Despite the rising crime, city officials have not changed their approach to the problems. Scott believes that the only solution is for neighbors to organize and vote out the "crazy people" in office during the 2024 election cycle. Oakland's City Hall did not respond to a request for comment.