The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The captain of Burundi be cryin' foul, sayin' Rwanda be supportin' them rebels causin' trouble in his land!


Arr, matey! 'Twas RED-Tabara, a rebellious crew from Burundi, who be claimin' the attack! They be claimin' they chose not to scallywag the civilians, but they be boastin' 'bout sendin' nine soldiers and one officer to Davy Jones' locker!

In a comical 17th-century pirate language, here's a summary of the news report:

Arrr, mateys! Listen up! Aye, the president of Burundi be claimin' that our scallywag neighbors from Rwanda be fundin' and trainin' them rebels who attacked the village of Gatumba! Aye, at least 20 souls were sent to Davy Jones' Locker in that bloody raid. Blimey!

This rebel group called RED-Tabara, based in eastern Congo, admitted to the attack on X, the modern-day version of our trusty parrot. They be swearin' they only went after soldiers and a police officer, denyin' they harmed any civilians. But the Burundian authorities be callin' them a bunch of landlubbers and considerin' them terrorists! Arrr!

President Ndayishimiye went on the national radio and pointed his hook at Rwanda, sayin' they be takin' care of these rebel scoundrels. He's been tryin' to get 'em extradited for two years, but no luck, me hearties! As long as Rwanda keeps supportin' 'em with food, shelter, and gold, the troubles won't end, says our noble leader.

No word from Rwanda's government yet, me hearties, but they've been sayin' they can't hand over these rebels 'cause they be under the protection of the U.N. refugee agency. Blimey, these two countries have been at each other's throats for ages, but things were startin' to calm down when President Ndayishimiye took the helm last year.

Burundi be callin' this attack an act of terror, and they be seekin' help from Interpol to catch these scurvy dogs responsible. Aye, they even sent their soldiers to Congo last year with the hope of stompin' out RED-Tabara. But now, the East African Regional force, includin' the Burundi troops, be withdrawin' from Congo 'cause the locals be complainin' that they be sharin' grog with the rebels instead of fightin' 'em.

So, me hearties, the tension between Burundi and Rwanda be risin' again, and there be no signs of a peaceful resolution yet. We'll be keepin' an eye on these troublesome waters to see what happens next. Yo ho ho!

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