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Arr, me hearties! Nikki Haley be confessin' her mistake, admitting she should have spoken o' slavery from the start!


In th' year 2024, Cap'n Nikki Haley, a fine Republican swashbuckler aimin' fer th' presidency, be answerin' them scurvy dogs from all sides fer her remark 'bout th' root o' th' Civil War. Yarrr!

Nikki Haley has addressed the controversy surrounding her response to a voter's question about the cause of the Civil War during a campaign event. The voter asked Haley what was "the cause" of the war, and she failed to mention slavery in her initial response. Haley admitted that she should have mentioned slavery as the first thing and acknowledged that growing up in the South, slavery is widely acknowledged as the cause of the Civil War. However, during a New Hampshire town hall, Haley initially described the cause of the war as being about how the government was going to run and the role of government in people's lives. When the voter expressed shock at her failure to mention slavery, Haley dismissively asked, "What do you want me to say about slavery?" Following criticism, Haley clarified her remarks, stating that she believes slavery sparked the Civil War, but she believes the "bigger issue" was determining the role of government in people's lives. She emphasized her efforts as a Southern governor to remove the Confederate flag and acknowledged slavery as a significant part of South Carolina's history, but also stressed the importance of individual rights and freedoms. Haley expressed her commitment to fighting for freedom of speech, religion, and individuals' rights without government interference.

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