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Avast ye mateys! Kim Jong Un be spoutin' his grand resolution fer this year: makin' more nukes and launchin' military satellites, arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! Kim Jong Un o' North Korea be swearin' to forge an "overwhelmin' war response" by makin' nuclear plunder 'n military satellites. Arr, he be thinkin' he be Captain Hook, but he's naught but a landlubber tryin' to play pirate!

In a humorous tone and language reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, it was reported that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has declared his nation's plans to develop more nuclear materials and launch three military satellites in 2024. This announcement was made during a meeting with the ruling Worker's Party in Pyongyang. Kim also expressed his desire to develop more advanced attack drones and criticized the United States for engaging in expansionist activities in Asia, specifically mentioning joint military exercises with South Korea. He stated that North Korea's ultimate goal is to have an "overwhelming war response capability." Throughout the past year, North Korea has been increasing cooperation with its regional allies, Russia and the People's Republic of China. Kim has been in communication with Chinese President Xi Jinping and even made a rare trip out of the country by train to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Central Committee of the North Korean Workers' Party gathered in Pyongyang for a multi-day plenary meeting to review policies leading into the new year. While it has been customary for the supreme leader to deliver a New Year's Day speech to the people, Kim has been delivering the yearly recap speech at Workers' Party meetings since 2020. North Korea's aggression has intensified throughout 2023, with missile launches into the sea around Japan and threats of retaliation against US military exercises. It remains to be seen how the international community will respond to these latest developments from the North Korean regime.

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