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Arrr, the scallywag Wander Franco be caught in the clutches of prosecutors, matey! Evidence be stacked against him, arrr!


Arr, word be spreadin' 'bout Tampa Bay Rays' own Wander Franco, a star scallywag at shortstop. Seems he be under scrutiny in his homeland, the Dominican Republic. They be questionin' him 'bout an alleged improper affair with a wee lad or lass. Yarr, trouble be brewin'!

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, here be the tale of the Dominican prosecutor's investigation into Wander Franco, a Tampa Bay Rays shortstop, who be accused of havin' a relationship with a minor. Arrr! The prosecutor's evidence be delivered to a judge in the Dominican Republic, who be expectin' to make a decision on the player's fate soon. This judge be lookin' over the documents and other evidence collected during a lengthy investigation and will be issuin' a ruling in a courtroom in Puerto Plata, where the alleged act took place. Ahoy! The judge be havin' several options before him. He can release Franco on bond, he can temporarily arrest him, he can prevent him from leavin' the Dominican Republic, or he can demand that he make appearances until the investigation or trial be over. Shiver me timbers! For now, the 22-year-old All-Star be stayin' in jail after bein' detained in Puerto Plata. His attorney be keepin' mum about the situation, only sayin' that Franco be doin' fine. The prosecutors be keepin' silent as well. No details about the case have been shared, although they said they be investigatin' Franco due to social media posts suggestin' his involvement with a minor. We haven't been able to verify these posts, though. Avast! Last month, police and prosecutors visited Franco's properties, but the scallywag wasn't there. A prosecutor requested his appearance, but he didn't show up until Monday, when he was caught after an interview. Arrr! In August, Major League Baseball put Franco on administrative leave under their domestic violence and child abuse policy. There be no timetable for the conclusion of MLB's investigation and whether it might lead to any disciplinary action. Yo ho ho!

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