The Booty Report

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Arrr, Iran be havin' a mournful day fer them souls lost at Suleimani's memorial, ye scurvy dogs!


Yarr, the scallywags be claimin' the tally o' souls lost from the twin explosions be reduced from 103 to 84, but beware, for there be still a chance the number be growin' as many a landlubber be left grievously wounded.

"Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and hear ye news of the four winds! The officials be speakin' of a tragic tale, a tale of two mighty blasts that befallen the land. They be sayin' that the death toll, which once stood at a fearsome 103, has now been lowered to 84. But mark me words, lads and lasses, for the count may yet rise, with so many poor souls havin' been badly injured in the process."

Now, ye may wonder why the officials be playin' with the numbers like a trickster pirate playin' cards. 'Tis a puzzlin' notion, indeed. But fear not, me hearties! For there be a logical reason behind this strange act. Ye see, when chaos reigns and confusion be rampant, the countin' of the fallen be no easy task. It be like tryin' to navigate the treacherous sea without a compass, aye!

So, the officials be cautions, lest they wrongly tally the souls lost to Davy Jones' locker. They be wise to leave room for the injured to mend their wounds and battle back from the brink of eternity. 'Tis a glimmer of hope amidst the stormy seas, me mateys!

But let us not forget the grim reality of the situation. The explosions be a tragedy that befallen the land, and we must mourn the loss of those 84 souls who now rest in Davy Jones' embrace. To them, we raise a tankard of rum and bid them a peaceful eternal slumber.

And so, me hearties, let this tale serve as a reminder that life be a fragile treasure, easily snatched away by the fickle hand of fate. Be kind to one another, for we be all sailin' in the same vast ocean. Fair winds and calm seas to ye all!

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