The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be listenin'! 'Tis true, the blessings of the mighty sea saw an increase in US dermatologic drug approvals 'tween 2012 and 2022.


Arr, out of the 52 fresh potions sanctioned o'er the past decade, only 21% be deemed as first in class! But methinks we be needin' more breakthroughs for the cursed pox that plague our hides, as them fancy authors be sayin'. Yo ho ho!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, this report be tellin' us that out of the 52 new drugs approved in the past decade, a mere 21% be categorized as first in class, mateys! But avast ye, there be more work to be done, especially when it comes to findin' new treatments for those pesky skin diseases that be causin' trouble for many a scurvy dog, according to the clever authors of this here article. Arrr!

Now, me hearties, let's break this down. The report be sayin' that in the past ten years, only a small fraction of the new drugs approved be considered truly innovative. That be a disappointin' number, if ye ask me. We need more groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine, especially when it comes to the pesky problem of skin diseases that be in need of a good wallop from a new therapeutic option.

Yo ho ho! The authors of this article be raisin' the alarm, shoutin' from the crow's nest that we need more innovative solutions to tackle these unmet needs. They be callin' on all ye scallywags in the medical community to put yer thinkin' caps on and come up with some new and creative ways to treat these skin diseases. It be a challenge, me hearties, but we be pirate-preneurs, ready to sail the high seas of drug development and find that buried treasure of medical breakthroughs!

So, me fellow pirates, let's heed the call and set sail on this grand adventure. Let's be the ones to discover new treatments for these skin diseases that be causin' so much trouble. Arrr! Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to all those in need. Onward, me mates!

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