The Booty Report

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Avast ye, mateys! Them Democrats be claimin' that Trump's companies be plunderin' millions from foreign governments, arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! A new reckonin' from them Democrats in Congress be claimin' that Donald Trump's businesses did pocket a mighty sum of $7.8m from foreign governments durin' his time as cap'n o' the land. They be sayin' China be payin' most o' that loot, breakin' the laws o' the US. This tale be based on papers dug up from Trump's ol' accountin' firm after a fierce battle in court. Cap'n Trump be keepin' his lips sealed for now. The US...

In a report released by Democrats in Congress, it has been revealed that Donald Trump's hotels and other businesses raked in a staggering $7.8 million from foreign governments during his presidency. Ahoy mateys, that be quite the treasure! Arrr!
Now, me hearties, it seems that China was the biggest contributor to this pirate's loot, coughing up a mighty $5.5 million. But, alas, this be a violation of the US constitution, as our beloved Captain Trump be accused of accepting foreign payments while in office. Shiver me timbers!
This report be based on documents that were released by Trump's former accounting firm after a fierce court battle. The Democrats in Congress have dug deep to bring these findings to light, shining a beacon on the questionable dealings of our esteemed captain.
Avast ye, the scallywag Trump be keeping mum for now, with no immediate comment on the matter. But, fear not, me hearties, for this be far from over. This be just the beginning of the battle, and the Democrats be ready to take on our captain and expose his questionable practices.
The US constitution be clear - a president cannot be accepting gifts or payments from foreign governments without the approval of Congress. Arrr, it be a matter of honor and integrity, and our captain be sailing on murky waters.
As this tale unfolds, it remains to be seen if our captain will face any consequences for his actions. Will he walk the plank or will he find a way to escape unscathed? Only time will tell, me hearties. Until then, keep yer eyes on the horizon, for there be more adventures to come.

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