The Booty Report

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Wyatt Russell, he be chattin' 'bout his new horror flick, Night Swim, claimin' that if ye be needin' someone possessed in a shower, he be yer scallywag!


Arr, mateys! Listen up! I've got some scallywag news for ye! Wyatt Russell be chattin' about gettin' into character for Blumhouse's newest horror tale. 'Tis a tale worth hearin', I reckon, so gather round and listen to his words, ye landlubbers!

Wyatt Russell, he be chattin' 'bout his new horror flick, Night Swim, claimin' that if ye be needin' someone possessed in a shower, he be yer scallywag!

Arrr, me mateys! Avast ye! Gather round and listen up, for I've got a tale to tell ye. Aye, I bring ye news of the latest frightful flick from Blumhouse, and an exclusive interview with none other than Wyatt Russell, the scallywag who starred in it!

Now, this be no ordinary horror film, me hearties. It be a tale of terror set in the heart of a mysterious old house, where the spirits of the long-dead be lurking. And who better to speak of this cursed tale than the man who brought the character to life? That be none other than Wyatt Russell himself!

In this interview, our matey Wyatt reveals the secrets of getting into character for this terrifying tale. He shares that he had to delve deep into the psyche of his role, finding inspiration in the fearsome pirates of old. Arrr, it seems he wanted to channel the spirit of them swashbucklers!

Wyatt speaks of the challenges he faced, trying to speak in the language of a 17th-century pirate. Aye, me hearties, he had to put on the accent and adopt the mannerisms of a fearsome buccaneer. Ye can only imagine the hilarity that ensued with a modern-day bloke like Wyatt trying to talk like a salty sea dog!

But fear not, me mateys, for Wyatt goes on to tell us about the fun he had on set. He shares tales of camaraderie with his fellow actors, as they faced the horrors of the haunted house together. Arrr, it seems they found laughter even in the face of fear!

So, if ye be a lover of horror films and ye fancy a good laugh, be sure to check out this exclusive interview with Wyatt Russell. It be a jolly good time, full of tales of terror and a touch of pirate humor. Avast ye, me hearties, and enjoy!

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