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Yarr! A grievance be lodged against a video layin' bare the identity o' the alleged assault sufferer o' Dani Alves!


Arrr, the legal scallywag speakin' for the lass who claimed that Brazilian footy mate, Dani Alves, be havin' his hand in her knickers, be lodgin' a formal complaint with the Spanish folks in charge o'er some cursed video. Blimey!

The lawyer representing the alleged victim of Brazilian soccer player Dani Alves has filed a legal complaint with Spanish authorities. This comes after a video circulated on social media revealing the identity of her client. Ester García, the alleged victim's lawyer, filed the complaint with Catalan police in Barcelona. The video includes images of the young woman and personal information about her.

The Spanish state prosecutors' office in Barcelona is currently analyzing the video to determine if there are grounds for a formal investigation. Spanish law prohibits the publication of material that reveals someone's identity without their consent. The prosecutors' office has also requested that the court ensure the privacy of the trial, set to begin on February 5.

Dani Alves is accused of sexually assaulting the woman in a Barcelona nightclub in December 2022. He has been in pre-trial jail since January 2023, as his requests for bail have been rejected due to the court deeming him a flight risk.

Alves has denied any wrongdoing, initially claiming no sexual contact with the woman but later admitting to consensual sex. He was indicted by an investigative judge in August based on sufficient evidence for a trial.

If found guilty, state prosecutors are seeking a nine-year prison sentence, while the victim's lawyers are pushing for a twelve-year sentence. Alves, a 40-year-old player, has an impressive soccer career, with 42 titles won, including three Champions Leagues with Barcelona and two Copa Americas with Brazil. He also represented Brazil in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

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