The Booty Report

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Avast ye, me hearties! A long-lost parley with Satoru Iwata reveals how the cursed DS shaped 20 years of Nintendo: "Arr, we be the masters of entertainment!"


Arr, me hearties! Mark me words! Nintendo be conjurin' up a mighty fine treasure trove o' wondrous wonders, the likes o' which ye've n'er laid eyes upon! Brace yerselves for a revolution on the high seas o' gaming, me mateys!

Ahoy, me hearties! Prepare to set sail on a grand adventure in the world of Nintendo, for they be promisin' us a treasure trove o' excitement! In the language of a 17th century pirate, I shall regale ye with tales of Nintendo's plans for the future, all in a jolly and humorous tone, so ready yer sea legs!

Mateys, mark me words, for Nintendo be proclaimin' that every creation they forge shall be a swashbucklin' mix of diversity and revolution! They be promisin' to keep us on our toes, with a vast array o' games and experiences that'll shiver our timbers and blow us down, arrr!

Ye see, landlubbers, Nintendo be known for takin' risks, and they ain't no scurvy dogs when it comes to innovation. They be sailin' into uncharted waters, bringin' us games that be like nothin' we've seen before. From explorin' vast kingdoms with a plumber in a red cap, to wieldin' a sword in the land of Hyrule, Nintendo be makin' sure we ain't ever bored!

But that ain't all, me hearties! Nintendo be settin' sail with a mighty vessel known as the Switch, a revolution in itself! This magical device be lettin' us play games wherever we go, whether we be loungin' in our hammocks or journeyin' across the seven seas. It be a true marvel, I tell ye!

So, me mateys, if ye be lookin' for adventure, look no further than Nintendo! They be promisin' a future filled with treasures beyond yer wildest dreams. Whether ye be a swashbucklin' pirate or a landlubber, Nintendo be caterin' to all, bringin' joy and laughter to every corner of the globe. So hoist the anchor and set sail, for the world of Nintendo be awaitin' ye!

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