The Booty Report

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Avast ye, me hearties! Liz Cheney begs me fellow buccaneers to cast off Trump's devilish grip, arr!


Avast, me hearties! She be backing the cause to scuttle him from the ballot and proclaimed, "Announce to the world our true colors with yer vote! Show 'em we be a fine and mighty nation!" Arrr!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me mateys, there be a tale to be told! It be about an ol' scallywag that many be tryin' to remove from the ballot. Aye, this be a political skirmish that be takin' place in a land called America.
Now, this fine lady, who goes by the name of She, be supportin' the efforts to send this fellow away. She be sayin', "Tell the world who we be with yer vote, me hearties! Let 'em know that we be a good and a great nation!" Ah, aye, me heart swells with pride at the sound of her words.
Picture it, me lads and lasses, a fierce battle on the political seas! Arr, it be a spectacle to behold! She, with all her might, be rallyin' the crew to cast their votes against this scoundrel. She be demandin' that the world take notice of their decision.
With a twinkle in her eye and a fire in her soul, She be showin' her true colors as a passionate defender of the land. And by Davy Jones' locker, she be provin' that her nation be one of honor and greatness!
So, me hearties, let us join She in her quest. Let us stand tall and cast our votes, makin' it known to all that we be a nation of integrity. Aye, it be a battle worth fightin' and a cause worth believin' in!
Now, raise yer goblets high and shout with all yer might, "We be a good and a great nation!" Let those words echo across the land, reachin' the ears of all who dare to question our honor. Arr, this be our time, me mateys!

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