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Arrr! Sen. Ted Cruz be claimin' that the scurvy UN agency be supportin' the wicked 'Hamas war machine.' Beggin' the Biden crew to cease fundin' 'em!


Avast ye! As the tides of proof be risin', 'tis clear as the Jolly Roger that this U.N. aid ship be harboring Hamas scallywags. Me matey, Sen. Ted Cruz, be summonin' the Biden crew to cut the purse strings fer this agency o' scandalous deeds!

The Biden administration's financial support for the scandal-ridden United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has come under scrutiny. Senator Ted Cruz has called for the US to stop funding UNRWA, claiming that it directly benefits the Hamas terror movement. UNRWA has received $1 billion in taxpayer money since 2021. Congressional oversight is now focusing on the agency's alleged complicity in supporting Hamas in Gaza.

Cruz, known for his efforts to combat corruption in UN agencies, accuses the Biden administration of knowingly aiding Hamas terrorists by restarting aid to UNRWA and exempting themselves from anti-terrorism laws. John Kirby from the National Security Council defended UNRWA's important work in providing essential resources to the people of Gaza, despite accusations of their complicity in Hamas' actions.

David Bedein, an expert on UNRWA, produced a video showing Palestinian children inciting hatred against Jews and Israel at a refugee camp near Nablus. The video went viral on social media and gained millions of views. Additionally, a Fox News Digital report revealed that some UNRWA teachers and staff praised the Hamas slaughter of Israelis, Americans, and other foreign nationals.

UNRWA dismissed these accusations, stating that the videos do not reflect the reality in their schools and that they have a zero-tolerance policy for hate and discrimination. However, critics like Senator Jim Risch argue that UNRWA has a history of employing individuals connected to terrorist movements, promoting anti-Semitic textbooks, and storing weapons in their schools.

Furthermore, UNRWA schools and facilities have been used as weapons storage facilities by Hamas in the past. Israel's army recently located rocket launchers near an UNRWA school. The State Department has not yet responded to queries regarding this issue.

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