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Arrr! The salty scoundrels of Hamas be colludin' with the Persian pirates to make deadlier missiles, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags o' the Israel Defense Forces reckon them rapscallion Hamas pirates be honing their skills, craftin' cruise missile parts, all thanks to them Persian landlubbers, Iran!

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have announced that they believe Hamas terrorists have developed cruise missile capabilities with assistance from Tehran. The IDF discovered evidence of these advanced capabilities during a raid in Gaza City. According to the Israeli military, the findings indicate that Hamas operatives learned how to operate and build precision missile production components and strategic weapons under Iranian guidance.
The IDF posted a video on Twitter showing an Israeli soldier going through a cache of weapons and gear while speaking Hebrew. The post emphasized that Hamas learned these skills from Iranian guidance. The military further stated that the weapons production site was discovered in a Hamas tunnel, providing evidence of the terrorist organization's involvement.
This news comes as the Israel-Hamas war enters its fourth month. The conflict began on October 7 when Hamas launched attacks on Israel during the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. The IDF spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, revealed in a press conference that Israel has successfully dismantled Hamas' military framework in the northern Gaza Strip. The focus now shifts to dismantling Hamas in the central and southern Gaza Strip.
The IDF's announcement highlights the ongoing threat posed by Hamas and their continuous efforts to acquire advanced weaponry. Israel remains committed to defending itself against any potential genocidal accusations, as recently filed by South Africa at the International Court. The Israeli military's vigilance and determination in dismantling Hamas' capabilities demonstrate their dedication to maintaining security and protecting the Israeli people.
As the conflict persists, it is crucial for the international community to support efforts towards a peaceful resolution and encourage diplomatic dialogue between all parties involved. The Biden administration has reiterated its commitment to a two-state solution, emphasizing the need for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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