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"Arrr, by the powers! Daniel Levy be sailin' from jolly chuckles to salty sobbin' with 'Good Grief'!"


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A parley with the matey who helped craft “Schitt’s Creek,” now settin' sail into the realm of drama with his first foray as a captain o' the silver screen. Arrr, buckle yer bootstraps and prepare for a tale worth a gander!

Arr, matey! Get ready to set sail on a jolly conversation with the co-creator of the acclaimed TV series "Schitt's Creek." But hold on tight, for this be no ordinary chat, me hearties! Nay, we be delving into the treacherous waters of drama as our matey ventures into the world of feature film directing.

Tis a tale of a scallywag named Daniel Levy, who be known for his comedic prowess in creating the hilarious antics of the Rose family. But lo and behold, this fine swashbuckler be ready to embark on a different adventure, seeking to stretch his storytelling skills into the realm of drama.

With his first feature film, "Untitled Romantic Comedy," on the horizon, Levy be sharing his thoughts on the transition from television to the big silver screen. He be confessing that the process be both exhilarating and terrifying, like a wild storm brewing on the horizon.

As he navigates these uncharted waters, the co-creator be grappling with the challenge of balancing humor with emotional depth. In his own words, he be likening it to walking a tightrope between yarrrs of laughter and heart-wrenching moments. Arr, it be a delicate dance, indeed!

Levy be revealing that his inspiration for this new venture be drawn from the golden age of romantic comedies, where witty banter and swoon-worthy moments be setting hearts aflutter. But fear not, me mateys, for he be putting his own modern twist on the genre, infusing it with his unique voice and sensibilities.

So, as we bid adieu to the shores of "Schitt's Creek," let us raise a tankard of grog to Daniel Levy and his bold quest to conquer the drama seas. May his ship sail true, and may his directorial debut be a bountiful treasure that leaves us all cheering for more!

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