The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Trump's courtly act be naught but a mere swashbucklin' sideshow, hardly worth a second glance!


Arrr, the scallywag ex-president be vowin' to keep appearin' afore diverse legal hearings, but this time, the focus be mostly on the judges and their doubloon-filled doubt 'bout his claim o' immunity.

In the tongue of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, there be news about our former president! Aye, he be intendin' to keep appearin' at different legal goings-on, but this time the focus be not on him, but on them judges and their doubts about his claims of immunity. Arrr, what a sight it be!
This scurvy dog of a former leader be makin' his way to the courtroom, tryin' to convince them judges that he be untouchable! Oh, the audacity of it all! But, by Blackbeard's beard, these judges be no fools. They be lookin' at him with a twinkle in their eyes, like a pirate eyein' a shiny treasure chest.
They be grilling him, me hearties! Ask him about his claims of immunity, they do! And he be squirming in his boots, like a landlubber caught in a storm. The judges be havin' none of his tricks and be demandin' answers. Aye, they be skeptical, me mateys, about his grand claims!
The courtroom be filled with laughter, like the sound of pirates sharin' a tankard of rum. The judges be makin' jokes at his expense, jestin' about his supposed invincibility. They be sayin' things like, "Arrr, me lord, ye be thinkin' ye can walk on water too?", and all the pirates in the room be roarin' with laughter.
But our former leader be persistin'. He be tryin' to play his cards, hopin' to sway them judges with smooth talk. Ah, but they be wise to his tricks! They be seein' through his charades, like a lighthouse guidin' us through treacherous waters.
So, me hearties, the former president be sailin' through stormy seas, tryin' to avoid the jaws of justice. But the judges be standin' firm, like a mighty ship in a tempest. We be watchin' and waitin', hopin' to see if justice will prevail, or if this scoundrel will slip through the cracks.

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