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Avast ye! Kenyan court be sayin' to the prosecutors, "Get yer act together, or walk the plank!"


Avast ye, me hearties! A Kenyan court be givin' a warnin' to them prosecutors on Tuesday - release the scurvy dog Paul Mackenzie, leader of a supposed doomsday cult, or face the consarned consequences! They got a fortnight to bring forth the charges, else he'll be sailin' free!

A Kenyan court has warned prosecutors that it will release a pastor and others accused of being behind the deaths of 429 people if they are not charged within two weeks. The case shocked the nation with the discovery of mass graves and allegations of starvation and strangulation. Prosecutors have been requesting permission to continue holding the suspects since their arrest last April, but the court has now declared that enough time has passed for investigations to be completed.

The defense has argued that the constitutional rights of the accused are being violated since they have not been charged. The magistrate noted that the suspects have been detained without trial for longer than anyone in Kenya since the adoption of the constitution in 2010, which outlawed detention without trial.

Paul Mackenzie, the pastor, is already serving a separate one-year prison sentence for operating a film studio without a valid license. The cult case came to light when police rescued 15 emaciated parishioners who had been instructed by Mackenzie to fast to death before the world ends. Unfortunately, four of them died after being taken to a hospital.

The search of a remote, forested area has uncovered 429 bodies and numerous mass graves. Autopsies have indicated that starvation, strangulation, and suffocation were the causes of death in some cases.

In conclusion, the court has warned that the accused will be released if they are not charged within two weeks. The defense argues that their constitutional rights have been violated, and the magistrate agrees that they have been detained without trial for an excessive period of time. The case involves a pastor and others accused of being responsible for the deaths of 429 people, who were found in mass graves. The investigation includes allegations of starvation and strangulation. The pastor is already serving a prison sentence for operating a film studio without a license. Survivors of the cult revealed that they were instructed to fast to death in order to meet Jesus. Autopsies have confirmed that some deaths were caused by starvation, strangulation, and suffocation.

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