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Arr! Behold, the grand proclamation o' SAG Award Nominations 2024: The Full Roster, me hearties!


Arr, ye summer blockbusters, they be havin' four nominations each! But, alas! A grievous snub befallin' our matey, Leonardo DiCaprio, from the treacherous flick, "Killers of the Flower Moon." Aye, the winds o' fortune be fickle indeed!

Ahoy mateys! Me hearties be knowin' that the summer blockbusters, the grand treasures of the silver screen, be settin' sail with four nominations each! Arr, the anticipation be risin' as the sea billows beneath me feet.
But alas, me fellow scallywags, there be some unfortunate snubs in the treasure trove o' nominations. Notably, that fine lad Leonardo DiCaprio, known to many as the captain of "The Revenant," be left stranded on the shores of disappointment. Aye, his marvelous performance in "Killers of the Flower Moon" be overlooked by those who be holdin' the key to the treasure chest.
Now, let's not be lettin' our spirits sink into the depths of Davy Jones' locker. We pirates be known for our resilience and wit! We can't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. A pirate's life be full of twists and turns, just like the Academy Awards. It be a game of luck, me hearties, where even the finest treasure can slip through a pirate's grasp.
But fear not, ye loyal followers of the silver screen! This snub be nothin' more than a storm in a teacup. Leonardo DiCaprio be a legendary sailor, a true master of his craft. He be sailin' through these troubled waters with grace and charm, collectin' accolades and treasures aplenty along his voyage.
So let us raise our grog-filled mugs to Leonardo DiCaprio, the brave mate who can weather any storm, on or off the silver screen. Although the Academy may have overlooked him this time, we know the power of his performances be unmatched. Aye, he be a true gem in the sea of actors, and his brilliance will shine brighter than any doubloons in the end.

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