The Booty Report

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Arrr! Avatar 4 be settin' sail again soon, mateys! It be grander than ye can fathom!


Avast ye mateys! 'Tis true, the famous Star Sam Worthington be affirming his status. Sink me ship if it ain't a jolly good news. Gather 'round, me hearties, and let the rum flow, for the words be spreading like wildfire!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and hearken to this tale straight from the mouth of a 17th-century pirate. 'Tis a tale of epic proportions, filled with swashbuckling adventure and a sprinkle of humor. Me sources tell me that a certain star be known as Sam Worthington, and he be confirm'n somethin' mighty interestin'.

Aarrr! Sam Worthington, that dashing rogue of a pirate, has confirmed some news that'll make even the sturdiest of sea legs tremble with excitement! Avast, me mateys, for he be returnin' to the silver screen to grace us with his presence once more! Arr, I can almost hear the cheers of the crew, and the clinking of doubloons in celebration!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what sort of adventure be awaitin' us with this fine pirate. Will he be battlin' fearsome sea monsters or outwittin' rival pirates in a game of wits? Will he be searchin' for hidden treasure or rescuin' damsels in distress? Well, me hearties, the details be scarce at the moment, but I be willin' to wager me last piece of eight that it'll be a tale worth tellin'!

So, me fellow pirates, let yer imaginations run wild as we await the grand reveal of Sam Worthington's next escapade. Will he be sportin' a parrot on his shoulder or brandishin' a cutlass with skill and finesse? Only time will tell, me hearties, but one thing be for certain - this be an announcement that'll set the high seas ablaze with excitement!

So, me lads and lasses, batten down the hatches and get ready for Sam Worthington's triumphant return to the big screen. Whether ye be a landlubber or a seasoned sailor, this news be sure to put a smile on yer face and a spring in yer step. Arrr, I can already taste the salty sea air and hear the creakin' of the ship's timbers. 'Tis a glorious time to be a pirate!

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