The Booty Report

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Arrr, the rogue who stabbed the South Korean politician be beggin' forgiveness as the victim sails out of the infirmary!


Arr, the South Korean scallywag, Lee Jae-myung, hath departed the infirmary, havin' made a full recovery from his stab wounds. Meanwhile, the miscreant behind the assault hath issued an apology to the press. Aye, what a jolly tale!

The suspect in the near-fatal attack on South Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myung apologized to the press, while Lee himself left the hospital in good spirits. Lee, who had been recovering from a severe stab wound to his neck, expressed gratitude to the people who saved him and apologized for causing concerns. The attack took place while Lee was visiting the city of Busan, and the suspect, a man in his 50s or 60s, approached him asking for an autograph before lunging forward and attacking. The assailant was quickly arrested, and the attack left a one-centimeter gash in Lee's neck. The suspect, when asked if he acted alone, confirmed that he did and expressed remorse for causing concerns to the people. The police believe the crime was politically motivated, and Lee, as he left the hospital, called for an end to the politics of hatred and confrontation, urging a return to mutual respect and coexistence.

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