The Booty Report

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Arrr! Valve, weary o' mods and fan games, be settin' sails 'gainst Team Fortress and Portal fan ventures.


Arrr, me hearty! I be bringin' ye sad tidings from the digital seas! Portal 64 and Team Fortress: Source 2 have met their doom, vanishing into the abyss! Avast ye, hearties, this be a blow to our gaming adventures!

Arr, me hearties! I come bearing news from the gaming seas. Brace yerselves, for the tides have turned against Portal 64 and Team Fortress: Source 2. Alas, these two beloved games be no more!
Picture this, me mateys: ye be sailing on the vast ocean of gaming, eagerly awaiting the release of these highly anticipated treasures. But alas, the developers have hoisted the white flag. Ye won't be settin' foot on Portal 64 or Team Fortress: Source 2, for they have been swallowed by Davy Jones' locker.
Now, before ye raise yer cutlasses in anger, let's have a laugh at this unfortunate turn of events. Y'see, tis no secret that game development can be as treacherous as navigating through a storm. The winds of fate can suddenly change, leaving even the most seasoned developers lost at sea.
Portal 64, the game that tickled our brains with its mind-bending puzzles, will forever remain incomplete. It seems that the portal to its release was sealed shut, never to be opened. And poor Team Fortress: Source 2, the sequel that promised epic battles and hearty laughs, has been banished to the depths of gaming history.
But fear not, me hearties! The gaming world be vast, full of hidden treasures and undiscovered islands. Though Portal 64 and Team Fortress: Source 2 may have walked the plank, there be plenty of other games to sate yer thirst for adventure and excitement.
So, let us raise our grog-filled mugs in a toast to Portal 64 and Team Fortress: Source 2. May they rest in peace, forever remembered as the lost legends of the gaming seas. And may we continue our quest for new gaming horizons, for there be always hope on the horizon, me mateys!

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