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Arrr, the plunderin' of Netflix's flick be a testament to the might o' India's Hindu Right Wing!


Arr! "Annapoorani" be a flick 'bout a lassie cook triumphin' o'er caste bias. Them Hindu scallywags claim 'tis an affront to their sensibilities! Avast, what a sea o' silly complaints!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round, for I have a tale to spin ye, a story of a movin' picture called "Annapoorani." Now, this here film be set in a land far away, where a fair lass be takin' on the challenge of becomin' a chef, despite the harsh winds of caste prejudice blowin' in her direction.
But hold fast, me mates! There be some Hindu activists who claim this flick be hurtin' their tender feelin's. They be protestin', claimin' that this be a stain on their sacred traditions. Arrr, can ye believe it? A simple tale of culinary passion causin' such a ruckus!
Now, I be thinkin', me hearties, that these activists may be takin' things a wee bit too seriously. After all, this be a work of fiction, a mere tale spun by the silver screen. But they be claimin' that it be underminin' their beliefs and dishonourin' their ancestors.
Arrr, I be wonderin', me mateys, what be the harm in a bit of entertainment? Can't a lass be followin' her dreams and cookin' up a storm without causin' such a fuss? It be a sad day indeed when a tale of culinary triumph be seen as a threat to the order of things.
But fear not, me hearties, for the crew behind "Annapoorani" be standin' strong. They be sayin' that their intention be not to offend, but to shed light on the trials faced by those who dare to break free from society's chains. They be claimin' that this be a tale of hope and resilience, not a blow to the traditions of the Hindu faith.
So, let us raise a tankard of rum to the crew of "Annapoorani" and all those who dare to challenge the norms. May they continue to serve up delicious tales and remind us that in the vast ocean of cinema, there be room for all to sail, regardless of caste or creed. Arrr!

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