The Booty Report

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Arr, a Baldur's Gate 3 mod be dressin' Ketheric Thorm in a scandalous crop top, for he be yearnin' to be a saucy scallywag!


Ye might unwittingly be showin' off yer bits to the unsuspectin' crew, me hearties! Tread carefully, lest ye be exposin' more than yer treasure map, arr!

Arr, a Baldur's Gate 3 mod be dressin' Ketheric Thorm in a scandalous crop top, for he be yearnin' to be a saucy scallywag!

Arr, mateys! Picture this: ye be struttin' down the streets in yer fancy new clothes, feelin' like the captain of all fashion. But beware, me hearties, for there be a hidden danger ye might not have considered - the risk of accidentally flashin' people!

Aye, ye heard me right. In yer attempt to be a fashionable scallywag, ye might not be noticin' that yer garments be betrayin' ye. I reckon ye wouldn't want to be scarin' off innocent landlubbers with a show they didn't pay to see, now would ye?

Imagine ye be wearin' a pair of breeches that be a tad too short, showin' off yer hairy peg legs more than ye planned. Or maybe ye be sportin' a low-cut blouse that's revealin' more of yer treasure chest than ye intended. 'Tis a situation that could lead ye straight to Davy Jones' locker of embarrassment!

Now, I'm not sayin' ye should abandon yer fashionable endeavors, but ye should proceed with caution, ye scurvy dog! Take a moment to assess yer attire before ye leave the ship. Double-check if yer trousers still cover yer sea legs or if yer blouse be needin' a bit more modesty.

And if ye be wearin' a kilt, ye be takin' the biggest risk of all! With a gust of wind, ye might end up showin' not just a bit o' leg, but the whole treasure map, if ye catch me drift.

So, whether ye be a swashbucklin' pirate or a landlubber, always be mindful of the possibility of accidental flashin'. 'Tis a situation ye surely want to avoid, unless ye be lookin' to become the talk of the seven seas!

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