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Arr, me mateys! North Korea be welcomin' landlubbers once again! Set sail fer adventure, ye scurvy dogs!


Avast! 'Tis a merry tale, me hearties! North Korea be openin' its borders to landlubber tourists for the first time since the cursed COVID-19 storm befallen the world. They be invitin' a merry bunch of Russkies to set sail for Pyongyang and partake in the wint'ry delights of a ski resort, arrr!

Russian tourists are being welcomed to North Korea as the first group of tourists to visit the country since the pandemic. A group of travelers from the Primorye region in Russia will be heading to Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. After touring the city, they are scheduled to arrive at the nation's ski resort in Masik Pass for winter sports activities. North Korea has been largely locked down since the pandemic and has implemented aggressive quarantine policies. The selection of Russian citizens as the first tourism group is a sign of growing cooperation between the two nations. Russia and North Korea have collaborated on military technology and expanded trade to strengthen regional power. The trip was arranged by Primorye Governor Oleg Kozhemyako and his North Korean counterparts. Previously, the tourism industry in North Korea was primarily focused on Chinese visitors. While visitors from Russia may not be as financially lucrative as Chinese visitors, they provide symbolism of revitalized relations with Moscow. North Korea is a deeply impoverished country with luxury facilities catering to its wealthy and elite leadership class, mostly located in the capital city of Pyongyang.

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