The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The release o' Pokemon Horizons on Netflix be delayed yet again, a plague upon us!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis been nigh a year since this fine treasure began to grace the shores of Japan.

Arrr, mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I've got a tale to tell ye! Aye, 'tis a tale of a show known as "The Great Anime Voyage," set sailin' upon the shores of Japan nearly a year ago. Aye, ye heard that right, it's takin' its sweet time to reach our shores, but fear not, for the wait is nearly over!

Ahoy, me hearties, let me spin ye a yarn of this grand adventure! Picture yerself on a stormy night, with a mug o' rum in hand, and a bounty of laughter awaitin' ye. This show, 'tis a tale of a merry band o' misfits seekin' their fortunes in the vast ocean of anime. There be a swordsman with a heart as big as the seven seas, a magician with tricks up his sleeve, and a sly rogue who's always up to no good.

But mark me words, me hearties, 'tis not just a tale of treasure and swashbucklin'. Nay, 'tis a tale of heart, friendship, and reckonin' with one's past. 'Tis a show that'll have ye rollin' on the floor, clutchin' yer sides with mirth. Ye'll be spewin' laughter like a whale spouts water!

Now, ye may be wonderin', why, oh why, did it take so long for this show to reach our shores? Well, ye see, the winds of fate can be fickle, and sometimes they blow in unexpected ways. Perhaps the dubbin' crew got caught in a tempest, or maybe a kraken tried to snatch the reels. Who knows what mischief delayed this grand adventure!

But fret not, me mateys, for the wait be nearly over. Soon, ye landlubbers will be able to set sail with this crew of lovable scoundrels, and ye'll be singin' shanties of joy. So batten down the hatches, polish yer cutlasses, and prepare to embark on "The Great Anime Voyage" - comin' soon to a screen near ye!

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