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Arrr! A scurvy Russian scribbler who dared to scold Putin's crew for their monstrous thievery be meetin' Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr, a handful o' notable scribes be meetin' Davy Jones in Russia or them parts o' Ukraine, matey! And ye know what? They be havin' some connections to them media vessels that be spreadin' propaganda like a scurvy pirate's booty!

A journalist named Alexander Rybin, who had been critical of Russian officials and promised to expose "gigantic corruption," was found dead near a roadside in Ukraine. The circumstances surrounding his death are unclear, with some Russian media outlets claiming that he died of heart disease. Rybin had been reporting on the Russian invasion of Mariupol and blamed corruption for the slow rebuilding of the city. In one of his last reports, he mentioned the "gigantic money" and "gigantic opportunities for corruption" in Mariupol. Rybin had planned to reveal more details of the corruption on an online platform. It is worth noting that many Russian journalists who criticize the regime or Putin directly have ended up dead in mysterious circumstances. The term "wet affairs" refers to targeted assassinations, which are a tactic used by Russian intelligence to eliminate opponents of the regime. These assassinations are often made to look like natural deaths. Whether Rybin was a victim of targeted assassination will likely remain a mystery, according to Rebekah Koffler, an analyst and the author of "Putin's Playbook." Petro Andriushchenko, an advisor to Mariupol's mayor, linked Rybin's death to his corruption claims and suggested involvement by Russian officials in the city. Rybin's death followed the suspicious death of Zoya Konovalova, the chief editor of a propaganda channel, who is believed to have been poisoned. Reports indicate that Rybin's bank cards and valuables were undisturbed, and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Rostov Region stated that there were no signs of criminal activity in his death.

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