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Aye, a once mighty Harvard scholar, fiercely arguin' for the reality o' biological sexes, bein' left to wither away.


Yarrr! A scallywag once teachin' at Harvard, who had a gripe 'bout them fancy doctors usin' "inclusive language," now be claimin' the university left her high 'n dry! Methinks the school be walkin' the plank on this one!

A former Harvard University lecturer, Carole Hooven, claims that her career was destroyed and that school administrators failed to support her after she defended biological sex. Hooven, who taught the "Hormones and Behavior" human evolutionary biology course at the university, became an online figure in 2021 when she spoke out against pressures on medical school professors to avoid using terms like "male," "female," and "pregnant women." Her comments were condemned by Harvard DEI officer Laura Simone Lewis, who accused Hooven of committing a "transphobic" attack. Lewis tweeted that Hooven's opposition to terms such as "pregnant people" was "dangerous" and that using inclusive language shows respect for everyone who has the ability to get pregnant, not just cis women. Hooven suggests that Lewis' public criticism and online backlash pushed her into the greater cultural discourse around gender and eventually led her to leave Harvard. She also claims that graduate students are taking up DEI positions with perspectives that administrators are afraid to speak out against. Hooven believes that DEI practices and outcry from progressive students emboldened Lewis to make her comments. Hooven expected support from the department and her fellow staff but received none. After facing labeling as a "bigot" and refusal from postgraduates to act as her teaching assistant, Hooven decided to leave her role at Harvard. She holds no animosity towards Lewis, stating that this happened because DEI is so powerful within the university.

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