The Booty Report

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Arrr! Tidings be told by the scurvy news mongers makin' a hasty call in Iowa, stirrin' up a mighty ruckus!


Arrr, at certain ports, nary a soul had cast their votes, yet the lubbers at The Associated Press and TV networks had already declared that scallywag Donald Trump be the victor, a mere thirty minutes into the caucuses. Blimey!

Arr, me hearties! Ye wouldn't believe the hullabaloo that occurred during the caucuses of the 2016 elections. 'Twas a right old mess, it was! Picture this, me lads and lasses: not a single vote had been cast at certain locales, yet The Associated Press and them TV networks had the audacity to proclaim Donald Trump as the winner, a mere half hour after the caucuses had commenced.

Now, ye may be wonderin', how in Davy Jones' locker did this happen? 'Tis a tale of swiftness and impatience, me mateys. The news folk, they be wantin' to be the first to break the story, ye see. So, they jumped the gun quicker than a sailor jumpin' ship at the sight of a fearsome sea monster.

Imagine the poor souls arrivin' at the caucus locations, ready to exercise their democratic right, only to find out that their votes didn't matter one bit. The news bein' spread like wildfire, word reached every nook and cranny of the pirate-infested land. Some were laughin' like hyenas, others were cursin' like drunken sailors, and a few even turned as pale as a ghostly apparition.

Now, I ask ye, me hearties, what be the point of holdin' caucuses if the winner be declared afore a single vote be counted? 'Tis like a pirate divin' into a treasure chest afore checkin' if 'tis empty or filled with gold doubloons. 'Tis downright foolish, I tell ye!

So, there ye have it, me mateys. A tale of hasty declarations and votin' that didn't mean a lick. 'Tis a reminder that in the whirlpool of politics, sometimes the truth be as elusive as a mystical mermaid. Arr!

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