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Arrr, me hearties! This here review be sayin' Jodie Comer be a mighty tempest in this tale of doom!


Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Behold, thar be a review for "The End We Start From," me mateys! Jodie Comer, she be like a mighty tempest in this apocalyptic tale. Aye, a force of nature she be! Prepare to be swept away, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! This here review be sayin' Jodie Comer be a mighty tempest in this tale of doom!

In this hilarious review of the apocalyptic drama "The End We Start From," the author adopts the language of a 17th-century pirate to express their thoughts. They begin by praising Jodie Comer's performance, describing her as a "force of nature." They highlight her ability to capture the essence of her character in a captivating and compelling manner.

The author describes the apocalyptic setting of the drama as a stormy sea, with the characters navigating through the chaos like seasoned pirates. They comment on the use of symbolism and metaphors throughout the series, comparing them to hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

Furthermore, they mention the humor in the show, which they describe as a hearty laugh that can make even the most stoic pirate crack a smile. The comedic relief in the midst of the apocalypse creates a unique and enjoyable viewing experience.

The review also praises the writing, which the author compares to a meticulously crafted pirate map. They highlight the richness of the dialogue, with lines that are both poetic and filled with wit. The plot's twists and turns are likened to a treacherous journey on the high seas.

Additionally, the author applauds the visuals of the drama, which they describe as beautiful and haunting. The cinematography captures the desolation of the apocalyptic world while also showcasing moments of hope like glimmers of sunlight breaking through storm clouds.

Overall, the review paints a vivid picture of "The End We Start From" in the language of a 17th-century pirate, emphasizing the brilliant performance of Jodie Comer, the humor, the well-crafted writing, and the stunning visuals. It is a glowing tribute to the show that effortlessly merges the bleakness of an apocalypse with the whimsy of a pirate's tale.

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