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Arr, a Lebanese judge be suspendin' the arrest warrants o' them ex-cabinet scallywags in the Beirut port blast!


Arr, Judge Sabbouh Suleiman o' Lebanon's Court o' Cassation hath halted the arrest warrants o' former cabinet mateys Youssef Fenianos and Ali Hassan Khalil, lest they be thrown in the brig.

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I have news from the highest court in Lebanon. It be said that a judge be suspendin' the arrest warrants against two former cabinet ministers in the infamous 2020 Beirut port blast. Aye, that explosion be one of the grandest non-nuclear blasts ever seen!

This Judge Sabbouh Suleiman, from the Court of Cassation, be liftin' the warrants against a former public works minister named Youssef Fenianos, as well as a former finance minister and current member of parliament, Ali Hassan Khalil. The officials who be spoutin' this news be keepin' their names secret, as they must, according to the laws set forth by the gods of bureaucracy.

Now, this Judge Tarek Bitar, who be leadin' the investigation, issued these warrants against Fenianos and Khalil in 2021. But Fenianos, that crafty scallywag, be askin' for Bitar's removal, claimin' some "legitimate suspicion" about how the judge be handlin' the case. And in turn, Bitar be accusin' Fenianos, Khalil, and two other former government officials of intentional killin' and negligence that led to the deaths of over 200 souls in that monstrous explosion.

There be a rumble among the politicians and security officials, too, demandin' Bitar's removal. The families of the victims and the rights groups be growin' mighty angry, waitin' for over a year with no justice in sight. Arr, the work of the judiciary be interfered with by those scurvy politicians!

Now, listen close, me hearties. Despite these arrest warrants against the cabinet ministers and heads of security, not a single soul has been detained. There be political shenanigans at play, meddlin' with the course of justice.

But that be not all! The United States Treasury, in their wisdom, slapped sanctions on Fenianos and Khalil, accusin' them of corruption and supportin' the notorious Hezbollah. Bitar, that brave judge, be chargin' and pursuin' Khalil in the port blast probe for homicide and criminal negligence.

That blast, me mates, took the lives of at least 218 souls and left over 6,000 wounded. It tore through the heart of Beirut, leavin' behind a trail of destruction worth billions of dollars. Yet, after three long years, there be no answers as to what caused the explosion, and no soul has been held accountable. Rights groups and local media be exposin' the truth that most state officials knew of the dangerous ammonium nitrate stored in the port for years!

Arr, justice be a fickle mistress, me hearties. Let's hope those responsible for this tragedy be brought to justice soon, or it be a shame on us all.

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