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Arrr! Pakistan be shoutin' 'bout 'consequences' after Iran's foul deed o' bombin' claimed two wee bairns' lives.


Arrr, the scurvy dogs from Iran be launchin' a fearsome drone and missile assault upon Pakistan's southern province! The Foreign Ministry be fumin' with rage as they condemn this heinous act that claimed the lives of two wee lads. May the seas swallow those responsible for such tragedy!

Pakistan has condemned Iran's recent airstrikes, which resulted in the death of two children. In a statement, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry expressed its anger and summoned an Iranian diplomat in Islamabad to convey its strongest condemnation of the violation of Pakistan's sovereignty. The ministry warned Iran that the responsibility for the consequences would lie squarely with them.

Iran claimed that the airstrikes were targeting bases of a militant separatist group in Baluchistan province, but a Pakistani intelligence report stated that the attack killed a 6-year-old girl and an 11-month-old boy, with three women also injured. This attack by Iran on Pakistan comes in the wake of strikes carried out by Iran in northern Iraq and Syria.

The situation has strained diplomatic relations between the two neighboring countries, but both sides appear cautious about provoking further escalation. Iran has stated that its paramilitary Revolutionary Guard targeted bases of the militant group Jaish al-Adl, which seeks an independent Baluchistan and operates in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan.

The attack included bomb-carrying drones and rockets, which reportedly targeted homes of the militants' wives and children. The group claimed that two children were killed and three others were injured in the attack. Pakistan's intelligence reported that the drones were fired from Iran, hitting a mosque and other buildings.

The attack is seen as destabilizing and sets a dangerous precedent with reciprocal implications, according to a senior Pakistani security official. Pakistani defense analyst Syed Muhammad Ali stated that the government would carefully weigh potential retaliation. Jaish al-Adl has been active since 2012, mainly operating in Pakistan and has previously claimed responsibility for bombings and kidnappings in Iran.

Overall, the airstrikes by Iran have caused tension between Pakistan and Iran, with Pakistan condemning the attack and warning of consequences. The incident further escalates violence in the Middle East, already heightened by Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza. Both countries are now considering their next steps in this volatile situation.

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